Pierson Wedding 2-14-2015


Things are a little different around here.

Here’s a glimpse into our special day!  Ironically, it’s Valentine’s Day….Creg and I are both a little ANTI-Valentine’s Day.  Sure, I love the idea of this holiday, but also feel like I shouldn’t be treated or treat my husband any differently just because it’s February 14!  Now, we have a different reason to celebrate Valentine’s Day…..Pierson Party of 9!
2016-01-09_0001What a wedding might look like when there are kid as the wedding party……  Thumbs up from me apparently meant that it was time to bolt!
2016-01-09_0002Our blended bunch!  We miss the oldest and look forward to the day we can see him more!  Dax is here….26 weeks along!

Also, Andrew, was a little unhappy that we had to take a few pictures.  He wanted out of the dress clothes.  Chalk it up to a good memory and laughs in the future!
2016-01-09_0003I am so blessed to have this man by my side!

There have been a few twists and turns on life’s journey (more on that later), but I am happy that I get to call this man husband, dad, stepdad, and friend.
2016-01-09_00042016-01-09_0005And of course, in true Andrew fashion……..Happy and cool as soon as his clothes were changed.  The ONE good picture of him from the day.

This image may be one of my favorites of the day.  The real Andrew, frustrated mom, and Creg just going with the flow.