Oh Baby! {Central, IL Photographer}

A couple of weeks ago, I received a private snapchat from a friend.  I was in the middle of trying to shuffle my crew out of the house and to the pool.  I had just got everyone out the door and picked up my phone to head out myself……..I saw the notification……I opened it……I screamed.  LOUD!  Loud enough that my son came running back into the house to find out where the spider was so he could be my hero and rescue me!  HA!  No spider, just a pregnant friend!

We spent the next couple of hours back and forth planning out how we would tell the soon-to-be daddy!  This is what we came up with……

We told daddy that I wanted to “play” and I needed them to be my models.  He was NOT thrilled, but since we are friends he decided to suck it up and deal with it…..good thing!  I’m not sure who was more nervous/excited.  I could barely focus on the “fake” session because I had my stomach in my throat!  I can’t even imagine how mom was feeling!  Here’s our “set up” model shoot…..

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The next step was to have them write on a board what they love about each other…..

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Seriously, you guys!  I was shaking with excitement for them!!!!  I’m so glad I took my husband with me so we could get both reactions when they turned around!

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I’m beyond excited for my dear friends!  This little blessing is a wonderful thing for this family!  With 4 older siblings, there is going to be a lot of love for this little one!!!!

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